Category Archives: random

My nominations: Liebster award


I recently posted my questions to the nominations by Bliss of Korea, No Shortcuts Korean and Wait for me Korea.

And here are my nominees: but first the rules!

Rules: 1) List 11 facts about yourself 2) Answer the questions left by the blogger who nominated you 3) Nominate five (or more) bloggers who have less than 200 follower. Make sure to notify them. 4) Make up questions for those you have nominated 5) Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog


My Questions

1) When you were in primary school, what was your dream job? And what is it now?

2) What is your favorite movie and why?

3) What music do you listen too when you are down?

4) Would you rather spend money on shampoo or on conditioner?

5) In what way are you connected to Korea?

Wait for me Korea: Liebster Award



And the last one but not the least that nominated me for a liebster award is Wait for me Korea. Thank you ^^~*

Rules: 1) List 11 facts about yourself 2) Answer the questions left by the blogger who nominated you 3) Nominate five (or more) bloggers who have less than 200 follower. Make sure to notify them. 4) Make up questions for those you have nominated 5) Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog

11 Facts About Me

  1. I am 173 cm tall which is on the short side in the Netherlands.
  2. I love action movies.
  3. Secretly I want to be Jackie Chan
  4. And pocahontas … I guess I just want long black flowing hair
  5. I played flute for 3 years then was forced to pick up the guitar which I played for 6 months but I hated it so then I started playing violin.
  6. I love taking pictures
  7. I love playing basketball
  8. My friends are my everything
  9. I love scaring people.
  10. I grew up in the countryside
  11. I am never able to remember birthdays

Questions from Wait for me Korea

1. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? I’d love to be fluent in korean, however I am so scared to make mistakes that I can’t.

2. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? I’d probably just stay with my family. Although my friends are my everything I wouldn’t be able to leave my family alone.

3. Have you done anything lately worth remembering?  Not really, lately my life is a chain of boring events.

4. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down? My friends are always able to lift my spirits.

5. What’s the one thing you’d like others to remember about you at the end of your life? My passion to do that what makes me happy, my happiness in general and my generosity.

Bliss Of Korea: Liebster Award

liebsterAnd here are the answers to the questions for the second liebster award I got. This time I was nominated by bliss of Korea. Thank you ^^~!

Rules: 1) List 11 facts about yourself 2) Answer the questions left by the blogger who nominated you 3) Nominate five (or more) bloggers who have less than 200 follower. Make sure to notify them. 4) Make up questions for those you have nominated 5) Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog

11 Facts About Me

  1. I used to play violin for 10 years
  2. I am allergic for dogs but I love dogs
  3. The meaning of my first name is Forest in frysian language
  4. The meaning of my second name is Shield germanic language
  5. My favorite perfume is princess by Vera Wang
  6. I love to wear make-up but people are still suprised when I wear a lot of make-up
  7. I used to go horseriding every week for about 7 years.
  8. I’ve had stiches in my eyebrow because I fell of a horse
  9. I should be able to speak 5 languages but I only feel confident in 3
  10. I’ve blue eyes
  11. I always complain about my hair being to dark although my natural hair color is very light blond.

Questions from Bliss of Korea

1. Why do you blog? I like to share my things I am interested in or proud of. And I like to meet likeminded people.

2. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever accomplished? Get into pre-university high school. While my primary school only though I was good enough for pre-vocational high school. Man did I prove them wrong!

3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? A butterfly, because no humans are afraid of butterflies and I would just fladder around them all day.

4. What was your most embarrassing moment? Oh man, I have a ton. Probably that one time -cough, many times cough- I fell from a flight of stairs.

5.  What are 3 things you never leave the house without? Phone, Ipod, Wallet

6. If you only had a day to live, what would you do? Spend my day with family and friends.

NoShortCutsToKorean: Liebster Award


I got nominated for my first liebster award by No Shorts Cuts to Korean. Thank you so much!

Rules: 1) List 11 facts about yourself 2) Answer the questions left by the blogger who nominated you 3) Nominate five (or more) bloggers who have less than 200 follower. Make sure to notify them. 4) Make up questions for those you have nominated 5) Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog

11 Facts About Me

  1. I have been a Koreastudies major for 2 years.
  2. I hardly ever watch TV.
  3. I am super messy.
  4. I love art.
  5. I wish I had a boyfriend
  6. My Friends inspire me
  7. It is my dream to live in a cute apartment in seoul
  8. I want to make the world a better place
  9. My favorite subject in Highschool was biology but I sucked at it.
  10. I took 7 years of French in High School but when I try to speak French all that comes out is Korean.
  11. I am 22 years old.


Questions from No Short Cuts To Korean.

1. Would you like to live in Korea ?If so,which celebrity you wanna meet?What will you say? I would love to live in Korea however I wouldn’t really go to meet celebrities. I want them to live your own life. If I saw one I probably wouldn’t even recognize him (I ran into Kim Jae Wook and I didn’t recognize him! – he wore a face mask and his military clothes though but still). But If I could say something I would just say that I love their music/dramas/movies and to keep up the good work.

2.  Do you have a  mannerism?What is it? Whenever I say I am pretty I do a really distinct hairflip that annoys my friends and didn’t even noticed I was doing until my friends pointed it out so trying to be a good girl and stopped doing it.

3. What is an ideal day for you? Just hanging around in a park with good friends, talking, having fun. Maybe enjoy a glass of wine or some 치맥 and just enjoy eachothers company.

4. If you could meet a person in the past who will it be? Marilyn Monroe. She is absolutely gorgeous and very charming I would want to know her secret.

5. What is your favorite subject in school and why? I don’t go to school at the moment, but in High School I loved biology and dissecting things. I especially enjoyed dissecting a starfish. I am just a curious human being that wants to know what stuff looks like, inside and out!

6. What is the most exhilarating thing you’ve done when you were young? Does 17 count as young? I traveled to Mongolia on my own when I was 17, defiantly a exhilarating experience.

7. What is something you can’t live without? make-up

8. What is the recent Korean word/phrase which seems to be running through your mind? 너무 힘들어 이해해주세요


Hello World

so again I have been gone for a couple of weeks. I worked 40+ hours and almost litteraly eating myself due to stress and all I felt like doing was sleeping.
But fear no more, I’ll be back next week-ish. But first I want to thank the awesome people that nominated me for the Libester award. I didn’t expect to see that when I returned to my dashboard. But greatly appreciate it!

So I won’t be back to my usual posting schedule yet first I will be answering all asked questions and at the end I will nominate my five blogs.

It’s good to be back guys, I missed you!

Love, Wietske

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Hello my name is Kang Seungmi.

I have told you my real name before, Wietske. However I have another name that I frequently use. Kang Seungmi. Kang Seungmi is my Korean name, if you have watched the video above you will know how I got that name. Now I will tell you how I got my last name.

My Korean last name is a whole other story and I only obtained it 2 months after I got my first name. I never imagined having a Korean first name, let alone a last name. I love my Dutch name, it’s unique and I think it truly reflects on who I am. I never wanted a Korean name, and I put up with all the butchering of my name because I would never ever ask someone to give me a Korean one.

Then my Korean name was given to me and I used it on a daily basis, if people couldn’t remember my name I told them just to call me Seungmi and that’s that. I didn’t even think about adding a last name.

Then on the day one of my best friends flew back to the Netherlands something interesting happened. She really didn’t want to leave, and rather leave with me. I would be flying back a week later and totally understood how she felt.

She cried and told me I should also leave that day, to ease her pain. Although I did want to ease the pain leaving Korea is something I hate and I would never ever think about leaving early. She knows that too, told me it was okay and then she fetched the freshly printed ticket from the machine. However she did not get one but 2 tickets. Someone must have forgotten her ticket, a person called Seungmi, Kang Seungmi.

And from that very day onwards I was not just Seungmi, I was Kang Seungmi. Me and my friends still laugh about this and she still complains that I should have left that day with her. She had my ticket so why did I stay!

Tell me, do you guys have a Korean name? tell me what it is and how you got it, I would love to hear some more interesting stories!

Love, Wietske

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My Korean Husband.

New Shoes

I recently found out about this website through my tumblr and I just had to share this with everyone else. My Korean Husband has funny and very recognizable comics. Like this one for example, now I don’t have a Korean husband, or even a Korean boyfriend. But I have enough Korean male friends that react in a similar manner. So if you have ever been to Korea I present you here with another website that can keep you occupied for hours – sorry-.

While you are at it, also check her Tumblr, and her facebook and follow her on twitter.

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